- H.Cherfa, K. Ait Mokhtar, M.E.Munoz & A. Santamaria, Recycling of mettallurgical waste for its use in road ingineering , book of proceeding of the 16 th International Metallurgy & Materials Congress IMMMC 2012 ; ISBN 978-605-01-0401-1.
- N.Dehouche, M.Kaci, K.Ait Mokhtar : « Influence of thermo-oxidative aging on chemical composition and physical properties of polymer modified bitumens » Elsevier, Construction and Building Materials, volume 26 issue 1, Janvier 2012, pp 350-356 ; ISSN 0950-6181.
Lien : http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/09500618/26 - S. Saoula, S. Haddadi, K. Ait Mokhtar, « Comparaison of the performances of several modified bituminous mix formulas. » AIP, Americain Institute of physics, volume 1476 pp 261-264, 2011. ISBN 978-0-7354-1085-5
Lien : http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2012AIPC.1476..261S - H.Cherfa, K.Ait Mokhtar, N.Saoudi, M.E.Munoz & A.santamaria : Valorization of metallurgical waste in technical road :case of blast furnace slag ; book of proceeding of the 1st international conference Waste, solutions, treatments and opportunities ; ;2011 ; pp 270-275 : ISBN 978-989-97429-1-8
- S. Saoula, S. Haddadi, K. Ait Mokhtar, « The Study of the Improvement of Mechanical Performance of Asphalt Modified by the Optimization of Mixing Time of EVA Bitumen » AIP, Americain Institute of physics, volume 1400 pp 262-267, 2011. ISBN 978-0-7354-0971-2
Lien : http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2011AIPC.1400..262S - H.Cherfa, K.Ait Mokhtar, M.E.Munoz & A. Santamaria « Utilisation d’une grave traitée au laitier de haut fourneau pour les couches de chaussée » ; Proceedings INVACO2 ; Novembre 2011 ; ISBN : 987-9954-30-595-9
Lien : http://asmatec.asso-web.com/uploaded/1p-240-cherfa-..pdf